I figured I would give it another chance to see if they paid attn to their customers. There was a jumbo-tron with the races going on and with a voice calling those races like a real race track. There were bathrooms at the picnic grounds the size of trailers with no lines. When it was Philly Park, it was so customer friendly There were tents the size of circus tents with picnic benches galore beneath them. Last year I was so disappointed with how much the place had changed. Since Philly Park became PARX it has gone downhill quickly. And then what a joy it was when the Derby went off to watch it on a small flat screen TV set up at the track rails with NO sound no one calling the race = no excitement.
It was fun watching the people run for some of the dry rotted picnic tables and then fall thru the benches.
Buy a beer, then get right back in line so that you have another one by the 6th race. Since you can no longer bring your own, you wait in this half hour line. I got such a chuckle seeing a line waiting to get into the MEN's room. I had a ball standing in half hour long wagering lines, that I managed to bet on one race in 11.
I would like to tell you about the ''good'' time I had at Parx this year for the Kentucky Derby. It's been said we make our own good time.